up til now… Nov. 19th 2012

These weekly posts were all assignments for my NURS1156, professional growth, class. Through these reflections I have learnt a lot about myself, and what I want out of my career choice. I want to thank my professor for this assignment; it was thoughtful and helped us out as nursing students very much. Not only were we able to share what we learnt, and how we thought of certain things, we reflected; which is mandatory for nurses as per the CNO. This reflection tool is something that I plan on keeping updated for my personal use, and has been officially updated onto my resume. Thanks Andrea!



week 10…

  • Did this activity assist you in understanding the teaching/learning experience?  Why or why not?

This activity, Mr. Jones case study, was extremely helpful in helping me understand, and apply the concepts on teaching and learning. It was a perfect scenario, something that seemed typical, and useful. I wish we had many more scenarios to practice with- because it was fun to work with “Mr. Jones”.

  • Will this information help you to identify your client’s learning needs in clinical practice?

I hope so. The case study of Mr. Jones was a great aid for nursing students; however, I wish we had more we were able to have practice on. Though, I do believe that this case study will help me in my endeavours in clinical practices. Even just the basic layouts of data collection and application methods to the rest of the teaching, and nursing process were extremely helpful.   

  • Will it help you to be a better teacher?  Why or why not? If not, what other information do you require? How will you go about getting this information?

The fact that we had a case study as in depth as the Mr. Jones case study will help me health teach future clients. It is important for me to really try and memorize steps and protocols so that I don’t forget anything, but I do feel that I have a decent amount of knowledge about it for now, that through experience I will be able to perfect it!

  • Give some thought as to how you can incorporate this information into your practice.

This information can be incorporated into every practice as a nurse. Health teaching is one of the most important things we will do in our professional career. This information can be used in everyday practices, and every client that fits the teaching criteria.



Gordon’s Health Patterns



 Perceived pattern of healthand well being and how healthis managed.Quality of usual health (scale 1 – 10).Perceived ability to control health. Healthhistory. Self care measures used. Medications.Allergies. Reason for this admission andhistory of presenting challenge(s).Expectations for outcome of current healthproblem.


 Food and fluid consumptionrelative to metabolic need andpattern indictors of localnutrient supply.

 Endocrine SystemGastrointestinal System Integumentary System

Diet. 24 hour diet recall. Quality of appetite.Swallowing. Dentures. Food likes anddislikes. Use of supplements. Usual weight.Nutrition knowledge. Skin.


 Excretory function (bowel,bladder, and skin).

Genitourinary System Integumentary System Musculoskeletal System Neurological System

 Usual bladder pattern (discomfort voiding,difficulty starting stream, frequency, nocturia,incontinence, self care, assistance, other ie.,catheter and etc.)

Gastrointestinal System Musculoskeletal System Neurological System

 Usual bowel pattern (frequency, description,last bowel movement, incontinence, ileostomy,colostomy, aids, self care, assistance).


 Exercise, activity, leisure, andrecreation

Cardiovascular System Musculoskeletal System Neurological SystemPulmonary System

 Self care ability. Activities of daily living(eating/drinking, bathing, dressing/grooming,toileting, bed mobility, transferring,ambulating, other). Description of usual dailyand, if different, weekend activities.Gait/balance. Respirations. Cough. Hobbies.Occupation.


 Sensory perceptual andcognitive pattern

 Neurological SystemSensory System

 Mental status. Ability to understand.Education level. Eyes, vision, hearing, taste,smell, feel, and sensation. Communication.Pain (description, frequency, duration, location,and relief measures).


Sleep, rest, relaxation.

Genitourinary System Musculoskeletal SystemPulmonary System

 Sleep schedule. Usual bedtime and wakingtime. Naps. Uncommon sleeppatterns/difficulty sleeping (problems fallingasleep or staying asleep and solutions).


Self concept and perceptionsof self (body comfort, bodyimage, feeling state).Body image and feelings about self. Emotionalstatus. Effects of illness on self perception.Personal factors contributing to illness,recovery, and health maintenance.


 Pattern of role engagementsand relationships.Significant others. Next of kin/emergencycontact. Family members and their relationshipto client. Roles client and family members fill.Housing arrangements. Available assistance athome. Destination upon discharge.Anticipated changes as related to healthchallenges. Previous utilization of communityresources. Discharge transportation.


Satisfaction and dissatisfactionwith sexuality pattern,describes reproductivepatterns.

Genitourinary System Reproductive SystemSexuality and Reproduction System

 Sexuality activity. Contraception. Concerns(discharge, bleeding, sores, and itching)Last menstrual period. Menstrual concerns.Obstetrical history. Pregnancy.


General coping patterns andeffectiveness of patterns interms of stress tolerance.

Cardiovascular System Endocrine SystemGastrointestinal SystemGenitourinary System Integumentary SystemPulmonary System

 Possible problems or concerns anticipated asrelated to your hospitalization or healthchallenges. Coping strategies used and theireffectiveness. Personal losses or major stressesin last year. Comfort and security needs.Tobacco use. Alcohol use – CageQuestionnaire. Street drugs.


Values, beliefs (includingspiritual) or goals that guidechoice of decisions.Religious/cultural/spiritual practices. Sourcesof strength and hope. Life goals. Spiritualneeds generally and during time of stress.Need for clergy/support person visits


Functional Health Patterns

  Health-perception-health-management pattern:

Describes client’s perceived pattern of health and well-being and how health ismanaged

 Nutritional-metabolic pattern:

 Describes pattern of food and fluid consumption relative to metablock need andpattern indicators of local nutrient supply

 Elimination pattern:

 Describes patterns of excretory function (bowel, bladder, and skin)

 Activity-exercise pattern:

Describes pattern of exercise, activity, leisure, and recreation

Cognitive-perceptual pattern:

 Describes sensory-perceptual and cognitive pattern

Sleep-rest pattern:

 Describes patterns of sleep, rest, and relaxation

Self-perception-self-concept pattern:

 Describes self-concept pattern and perceptions of self (eg. body comfort, body image,feeling state)

 Role-relationship pattern:

Describes pattern of role-engagements and relationships

Sexuality-reproductive pattern:

 Describes client’s patterns of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with sexuality pattern;describe reproductive patterns

Coping-stress-tolerance pattern:

 Describes general coping pattern and effectiveness of the pattern in terms of stresstolerance

Value-belief pattern:

 Describes patterns of values, beliefs (including spiritual), or goals that guide choicesof decisions

i cannot remember which university website i retrieved this from, but i did not want the information to go missing, as i find it to be EXTREMELY useful.


week 9 – health teaching II – MR JONES!

  • Reflect on how completing this case study has increased your understanding of factors influencing clients’ readiness to learn.

By doing the case study on Mr. Jones I have a better understanding on how to decipher if a client is, or seems, willing to learn. When a client seems willing to learn about his/her illness it seems simpler to deal with. It is important to stay focussed on not only the verbal cues, but the nonverbal ones as well. Always keeping in mind that medical jargon, and teaching strategies should not exceed a 8th grade level. 

  • What have you learned about yourself as a teacher?  As a learner?

To me, I know that I am a hands-on learner. I learn so well by re-teaching that nursing is a perfect career for me. As a teacher, I do believe that I am efficient. This is evident in the people that I tutor for biology. One of the women that I tutor has raised her mark in biology from one test to the next by an increase in 42%. As a learner I have found that I learn best by using flash cards, and re-teaching – even if nobody is present to hear and I am teaching to nobody but myself.

  • What did you learn from this activity that is important for your practice?

What information I obtained from this activity is that to make sure that every piece of information is gone through thoroughly. It is easy to miss important details when you are not paying attention – again to verbal and nonverbal cues. To cohort information, never assume information, and always restate or ask questions when in doubt. I also learnt just just because I am a hands-on learner doenst mean that everyone else will be. We are all different, and it is important to remember that.

Allison … health teacher.

Learning Styles 2 … week 7!

It is just about mid semester now and I am finally getting a feel for Niagara College, its professors, and classes. A positive learning experience for me this week would have to be biology. I found a very useful study method that allowed me to receive 10% higher on this test than the previous. I cannot think of a better example of a negative learning experience other than in my forensic psychology class. Im not impressed with the way the material is being brought to me. My professor doesn’t make it interesting, rather reads blandly and in monotone off prepared slides. Being a hands-on, active learner – and one who gets side tracked very easily – this is not a helpful, useful or fun way of learning. When it comes to subjects where memory and application is mandatory I have found the best possible way for me to learn. This method will assist me in the future – very much so!

I already knew that I was a hands-on learner, and doing the learning style quiz only proved that. As far as expanding how I learn, unless it’s necessary, I will not change a thing. I found my personal how-to and I will stick with it as long as it proves useful. All I need to make sure that I am doing is stay focussed on one task at a time. When I try and fuse too many things, subjects mostly, together I lose my focus. I guess this is also something that I will avoid doing as well; knowing that taking too much on at one time, makes me lose focus I will be sure to keep my mind focussed on one subject at a time; make sure that I am done with one assignment, or reading, and that I fully understand what it is that I am reading before moving on.

Allison C, the kinesthetic learner!

my philosophy of nursing — week 6

  • Why do I want to become a nurse? All my life I knew that I wanted to work in health care; however, never knew which avenue I wanted to settle in. I started as a PSW and through my experiences realized I wanted to take my career further.
  • Why am I studying nursing right now? At this moment I need to support my family. I am taking nursing because it is my chosen career path, as well as the fact that I want to provide a lifestyle of comfort for my family.
  • What do I think I will enjoy about nursing? One on one patient care is what I will enjoy the most. I know from experience that as nurses you have the tendency to touch people’s lives in ways that you never thought possible. One day we all become “the nurse I will never forget” to one patient – which makes all the hard work and effort so worth it. The confidence in yourself, the fact that you are truly helping people overcome some of the hardest times in their lives, and the self satisfaction im sure is very rewarding.  
  • What do I think nursing will do for me? Nursing will teach me to be more empathetic and compassionate in an emotional standard; I will learn to be extremely ethical and professional; as well as caring and healing. Overall, I do believe that this profession will allow me to blossom as a person. Not only in a professional stance but as a mother, and wife as well. Because I do believe that many of the characteristics that a nurse must have are important ones to have as a compassionate human being as well.
  • What do I think I will be able to contribute to the nursing profession? I have heard the phrases and sayings based upon the theory that if you touch just one life in a positive way you will be happy. I want to bring more. I want to strive to touch the lives of every patient in one way or another. Where im sure some will be more significant so than the other, I still want to feel as though im making that difference in each patient, and not just of the odd one.
  • Where do I see myself in 2-5 years? working as a mental health nurse at Oakridge in midland, at Penetanguishin Penitentiary.  
  • What kind of nurse do I want to be? Specialty wise – mental health is positively what I want to do. I know what type of nursing I want to practice, and where I want to do so. Chartacrtistically… unforgettable.
  • In which field of nursing do I think I want to practice? Mental health nursing is what I will be practicing.

Allison – future mental health nurse

Professionalism – week 5

Professionalism is a basic skill; something you have or something you do not. Just like any other skill being and acting professional is not something that happens because you hope for it, it happens because you work at it. Due to the fact that I have been in the work force for over ten years I do believe that I have obtained a pretty high level of professionalism. However, baking at Time Horton’s, cashiering at Bentley, or stocking shelves at Wal-Mart is not the same as acting and portraying yourself as professional as a nurse. It is also time I make mention that I have been a Personal Support Worker (PSW) for over six years. I do have experience on how to deal with many situations, different clients, and coworkers in the health care field; however, there is always room for improvement.

Learning Goal: To become a well established professional with proper ethics and work tactics.

Learning Objectives: How do I make sure that I am acting in a professional manor?

Course Objectives: Professionalism is evident in each day at work (clinical) and must be at high standard.

Learning resources/strategies: Potter and Perry text book is a very useful text book in regards to how a nurse should act and what ethical guidelines to follow. Also the critical thinking text book is helpful with tips to becoming more professional.

Success indicators/evidence: I will be evaluated at clinical placements by preceptors and peers. This will be a first indication of wheather or not my professionalism is up to par.

Target date: immediately    

Allison Cormier

week 4 … L-E-A-R-N!

During this week’s lectures we discussed the acronym LEARN. This is a method for reflection. It is defined as follows:

L- look back

E- elaborate and describe

A – analyze outcome

R – revise the approach

N – New trial

During my 5 weeks here at Niagara College, I have discovered many new things about myself that I did not know before. I am also taking classes that are completely new to me. A reflection that I can take into account would be an exam that I took for my CLIN1130 class. I received a 71% on this exam, it being the worse grade in my 5 year post secondary education. I was devastated over the mark, and vowed to not only do better next time, but find ways to do better. Here I can implement to LEARN acronym:

L – I did horrible, to me, on an exam I thought I was very prepared for.

E – I need to reflect on this mark, because I do not want my average being in the 70’s. I thought I had studied the appropriate materials when clearly I was wrong.

A – what influenced this experience was the fact I studied what the book told me. I needed to read “between the lines” and understand more scenario than terminology. This was a negative experience because I did not do well; however, positive because now I know how to study for this type of exam.

R – as I revive my approach, I now know that I need to change what and when I study. Instead of falling sleep with a book in my hand I need to understand the scenarios based on the readings. I need to implement my knowledge into real life action. This way, I can understand better the scenarios being asked of me. Since I did not know that the test would be scenarios. I assumed that it would be what was in the books, which now I know, is very wrong.

N – my new trial will be when I take my next exam. I have a grade in mind that I would like to achieve now that I know what it is exactly that I need to know. I know I will do better next time now that I have reflected on this process!


week #3 – Research

Now that I am further into my studies I have a new appreciation for research and knowledge gained; however, even more so utilizing that knowledge gained for the better good. I will be sure to implement research any time that I can. Now that I am educated on how to find information accurately, and timely I can be sure to be as much of a help as I can be.

I will be able to use research in clinical practice as often as I can. Healthcare is an occupation that will forever be changing. As an RPN I need to make sure that my skills are up to date, and all quality care practices are up to date as well. Research can be implemented for, an example, when trying to change standard practice. If a new way of a skill is being taught and proven better than previously done, it will be my responsibility to make sure that I know about it.

An area of nursing that I think would be very important to have research habits at par would be in home care nursing. More often than not you are alone, and need to make sure that you have all the education you require to perform a task correctly. Being educated on how to research, what to research, and how to find adequate articles is a skill in itself, and can only be perfected through practice.

We recently have been asked to do a care plan for ourselves; as part of a nutritional analysis. I could implement my new found education on any patient with a related issue. I have familiarized myself with up-to-date information regarding proper nutrition. And also I now know how to analyze a patient’s health regarding their nutrition. I could use this information in any health care setting. I could give this type of information to my clients, and assist them in their own nutritional self analysis.

week 2. Florence Nightingale

  In earlier times Florence Nightingale was the definition of nursing. She was an important, and only first development of the profession and deserves the title of inspiration to all health care professionals. She continues to be relevant because without her I wouldn’t say there would not be nursing, but she paved the pathway for what nursing has become. Nightingale would be a role model for all nurses. She showed kindness and knowledge and was passionate about what she contributed to the world around her. Even when looked awkwardly upon she never lost hope in what she was trying to create. Nursing can consider newer role models, however it is important in any important profession to consider the roots of where it all began. I do not think nursing needs a new model here as Nightingale is the perfect suitor. She is what nursing is defined.

Kind regards,

Allison P. Cormier